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STORY of Auto Russian Rocket Fuel

Sugar Black Rose is without a doubt one of the tastiest marijuana varieties out there. It's the result of Critical Mass' crossover with 1998's highly regarded mother Black Domina. This variety is the best example of the Domina phenotype and is the most highly regarded by fans of this strain. Indoors, the plant can be short and compact, although given enough space it can also develop significantly with abundant side branches.

Outdoors, in large pots or directly in the ground, it can grow very tall and, above all, it can develop very large secondary branches, making it a wide, round plant. The buds have a sweet fruity aroma like orange or other sweet citrus fruits.

Tastes like ripe grapes and flowers with a hint of skunk which is really interesting. When you exhale the smoke or steam, you can detect a slightly spicy but sweet aftertaste. The effect of Sugar Black Rose is instant and very long lasting, it can put you in a very relaxed state. Good for medical applications and indica lovers in general.

Sugar Black Rose Feminised


Hechos de variedad:

  • THC:


  • Tipo de variedad:

    80% Indica/20% Sativa

  • Florecer:

    50–55 days

  • Cantidad de cosecha:

    400-450 g/m²

  • Cosecha:

    mid September

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