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STORY of Auto Russian Rocket Fuel

General characteristics

Bred in the mountains of California and Oregon, Auto Blue Mystic regular cannabis seeds have a rich genetic base and auto-flowering properties that allow for harvest all year round. It is an Indica dominant species with a short stem that resembles a broccoli plant in its structure. It can grow to just over 1m in height.

Origins and awards

Auto Blue Mystic was sourced from a group of cannabis connoisseurs from the hills of Oregon and California who worked to develop new strains and formed the basis of most traditional North American marijuana strains. The group included a legendary breeder who had worked for a long time on crossing Thai varieties and Afgani, which had been in use since the 1980s. The most popular variety bred by this group of breeders is Blueberry today.

Taste and effect

With proper care, Auto Blue Mystic should taste sweet and refreshing with a slightly berry aftertaste, and when smoked, it should resemble the sensation of drinking fresh juice. This intense flavor is combined with a super powerful, indica stone effect that impedes movement. A light scent exudes fruit and freshly cut grass.

Medical applications

Thanks to its strong relaxing effect, Auto Blue Mystic can be used medicinally for ailments such as:

  • depression;
  • pain and numbness in the body;
  • anxious states;
  • headache;
  • poor appetite;
  • nausea.

Auto Blue Mystic Feminised


Hechos de variedad:

  • THC:


  • Tipo de variedad:


  • Florecer:

    45 days

  • Cantidad de cosecha:

    300–400 g/m²

  • Genética:

    Blueberry x Ruderalis x Northern Lights

  • Cosecha:

    55–65 days

  • Altura de planta:

    40–80 cm

  • Еl efecto:


  • Gusto:


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