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STORY of Auto Russian Rocket Fuel

A very stable autoflowering hybrid. The plant itself is not tall, usually not very branched, but at the same time it produces compact, dense, abundantly covered with crystals, cones. A large number of times this variety won prizes at the Cannabis Cups in the period from 1995 to 2005. Geography of genetics Bubble Gum boasts countries such as the United States, England and Holland. Sweet on the palate (with a distinct reminder of chewing gum), it produces a wonderful, euphoric, uplifting effect.

Auto Bubble Gum Feminised


Hechos de variedad:

  • THC:


  • Tipo de variedad:


  • Florecer:

    55–60 days

  • Cantidad de cosecha:

    300–350 g/m²

  • Genética:

    Bubble Gum x Ruderalis

  • Cosecha:

    60–70 days

  • Altura de planta:

    70–100 cm

  • Еl efecto:


  • Gusto:


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