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STORY of Auto Russian Rocket Fuel

Bubblegum Extra Feminised Silver marijuana seed is a feminized seed that can grow into solid plants under the careful care of the grower. Here is an indica hybrid that demonstrates its species in appearance. It is a compact plant with a lush crown.

The plant can be cultivated in any usual way. With proper care, the Christmas tree will give the caring grower large buds covered with snow crystals - a real treat for the eyes of the keen grower!

  • the resin of the plant contains about 18% THC;
  • flowering takes 60 to 70 days;
  • as for the harvest, a grower can get up to 750 grams of excellent staff from a square meter of crops;
  • but the height of the hybrid strain ranges from 150-170 centimeters.

Bubblegum Extra Feminised


Hechos de variedad:

  • THC:


  • Tipo de variedad:

    Indica dominant

  • Florecer:

    60–70 days

  • Cantidad de cosecha:

    600-750 g / m2

  • Genética:

    South Indian x Holland x Blueberry

  • Cosecha:

    mid to late october

  • Altura de planta:

    150-170 cm

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