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STORY of Auto Russian Rocket Fuel

Auto Critical Silver Marijuana Seeds are the seeds of auto-flowering variety.

Nevertheless, experienced growers note that it is preferable to grow the Auto Critical Silver variety indoors but even in case of the outdoor cultivation, this famous sort of cannabis will pleasantly surprise you!

Taste and Aroma Properties

During a ripening stage, the aromatic buds are covered in orange crystals. It is a very attractive sight for a true connoisseur of culture. It has a moderate stone effect on body and mind followed by pleasant relaxation.

  • the value of the variety is predetermined by the high THC level (19%);
  • each plant can deliver up to 50 grams of buds;
  • auto Critical Silver cannabis plants are medium in height of 90-125 centimeters.

Medical applications

Cannabis has a wide range of unique therapeutic properties. The plant helps to cope with such ailments as gout, asthma and epilepsy. In addition, marijuana has a proven analgesic and sedative effect.

Auto Critical


Hechos de variedad:

  • THC:


  • Tipo de variedad:


  • Florecer:

    56 days

  • Cantidad de cosecha:

    50+ g per plant

  • Genética:

    Big Bud x Skunk x White Widow

  • Cosecha:

    60–70 days

  • Altura de planta:

    90–125 cm

  • Еl efecto:


  • Terpenos:


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